Apr 4, 2016 | Advertising, Content Creation, Email Marketing, Internet Marketing, Pay Per Click (Adwords), SEO/Analytics, Social Marketing, Video Marketing, Website
There’s a lot to love about digital marketing. Then there are a lot of things that are not so loveable. Here’s one of them. There are a number of companies that have begun creating content that features the names of small businesses. Say, for example,...
Feb 8, 2016 | Advertising, Internet Marketing, Website
The way people use websites is changing. The days of clicking on a link are vanishing, thanks to smartphones. Instead of sliding a mouse around to move a cursor, people are now sliding their fingers across their screen to scroll through content. This is a huge...
Sep 29, 2015 | SEO/Analytics, Website
Did you know you can tell a lot about who’s visiting your website by using a reporting tool called Analytics? There are a number of companies that provide thus, and one of the most popular is Google’s Analytics. Google Analytics is free and we install it...